After elections.

Day 857, 13:02 Published in Belgium Belgium by Ely.nea

I'd like to congratulate the people who got elected. I'm disappointed by the fact that a party gained the majority to the detriment of real belgians who wanted to help the country.

I wont participate in the debate who's right and who's wrong. Belgian people are able to see which actions are taken.

I'd like with this article thank all the people working really hard for the country.

I'm saddened to see that Res Belgica did not receive support because in the fightings between the BFB members and Free Belgium ones, they're often left aside.

I will ask the new congressmen to come on the forum to present themselves, because we will be working there. To sign in on the forum is the least to do since debates take place on it.

eBelgium forum link

I thank eCroatia, yes, because many croats came to vote for Rod's party. 29 croats were allowed to take the ebelgian citizenship between march 23rd and 25th.

Actually, I wont thank you, Rod will write an anti-Phoenix article for that.

About government

I changed the finance minister. I want to thank bruno goethals for accepting to continue the started work.

If he can't log in, I have the bank account access, I trust him.

Ragoth is doing a good job, we will try to sum up of the different ministers, the things to do and the work done.

informations to the new players

Tutorials and Useful Links


It's necessary to have to private companies in eBelgium to encourage concurrence. A call to new players could be beneficial too.

Don't forget the newspaper of our minister of defense :DemetriusA

The eBelgium Military

If you need more infomations, do not hesitate to contact us here or on the forum.
If you'd like to make a donation, here's the link to the eBelgium national bank.

link to the bank :NBB-BNB

Thanks for reading and thanks for the translation
