Admins - please don't let this country die!

Day 1,372, 08:55 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka

Well with the help of an unlikely combination of characters, we have won our liberation! The battle for independence of Lower Egypt saw Tanks from Israel, Egypt, Greece and FYR Macedonia amongst others fighting for our liberation.

Truly an honour to see fighters from across the grand alliances supporting our cause of national self-determination. I certainly hope that we see more of this!

Now we should have the opportunity to compete in Congress elections, and we do need a Congressional refresh! Our country is on its knees economically, and we have no leadership from Congress and President who seem to be wholly unresponsive to the plight of our citizens. What’s more, we need congress people elected so that we can give citizens who have left the country for economic reasons, the chance to return to our country. Without congress, our countries slow and agonising death will continue unabated.

But the game mechanics have caught us out. Apparently if we are liberated on the 23rd day of a month, we should be without congress for the entire following month. This does not seem fair and it seems wholly counter productive.

My appeal to the Admins – please let us run for congress. Let us seek to revitalise this country and keep Egyptians engaged in the game.

Franz Kafka
Congress person – Arab Liberal Party