Act wisely, Macedonia!

Day 1,761, 06:00 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

For one to be strong in this game, he doesn't have to act aggressively, all it takes is just a little patience, and as they say, patience is a great virtue. In this game Macedonia did just that, played the waiting game, while allowing other superpowers to lock themselves in other global conflicts thus making them even weaker than they were before. The move through France doesn't only bear great symbolic meaning, but it's a proof that even while you are opposed by your own allies, you can still do it. Yes, we may have the feeling USA is weak and cannot match Macedonia in this very given moment, but we are again forgetting USA is not basing its strenght from the local community, but foreign legions that have embedded themselves right into the core of USA. So thus Macedonia isn't just fighting USA as an entity, you, dear Macedonians, are fighting the whole elite community of EDEN - which may at the very beginning bring great dangers and pressure to it.

As I have mentioned in one of my shouts, every next move may be a move too far for Macedonia. You may find many reasons for that, the main reason being over-extension of the territorial possessions. It's a thing that you have to balance. Whether persist on going for all the bonuses or decide to play the easy game and keep your eye on a few less resources that are available. Macedonia is strong, has the needed size and political influence, but may rush into some things. It's apparent that - I am writing this solely for the Macedonians - you have wit and the ability to do things, but you very often forget about diplomacy and keep yourself at the forefront of everything, thus eventually suffer the most. In this case, in the recent months, you have faded back into the background allowing other allies to take the helm. It seemed to be successful - sitting in Italy, Albania, the former Croatian Austria and Switzerland. It did the job for you, allowing you to get those 9 out of 10 resources. But as lovely as Macedonia is, you rushed yourself into an almost imminent conflict with Slovenia due to demanding former Slovenian resources and at the end keeping them. Slovenians may still feel a bit unpleased with that occuring, but due to our diplomacy and the outer voice being so weak... We just began to not give a damn. Which is of course wrong, but that's what distincts great powers from strong powers. And in this case you proved via diplomatical terms how indecisive Slovenia and Slovenians as a whole are.

From being one of the most inexperienced communities in eRepublik you have turned into one of the strongest and most united. And as such, even if some tensions are present, you stand united in the quest for dominance of Macedonia over your arch rivals. I seek for Macedonia to be strong, to get the wanted (and needed) influence. As such it may educate you, Macedonians in real life what great responsibility brings. You have to take this game not as a playground but as a learning course. And even if you may not feel much importance in the world that is surrounding your computer, you can feel it here. And I am pleased you are. The mistakes are a part of everyday world, if one would hold grudge against everyone for his entire life, we wouldn't be speaking to anyone. Just be wise, please.

Do not repeat the mistakes of Serbia that had before lost her entire possessions for wanting too much. Yes, of course you don't want that to happen, but do not underestimate Americans, as they have proved their worth many times before - almost beating Poland out of France and Germany but then losing the momentum. They have frighting power inside of them, beware of that, beware. As of right now you are making small steps, one small step at a time is what makes a country strong as you can adjust things as you go. That's what Poland has done many times, but due to pure boredom turning outwards and attacking everyone it saw.

I'm not writing this for the sake of others, I am writing this simply for myself to express my opinion. But as such, I believe there are surely people who think the same as I am in this article.

One thing that has yet to happen is Macedonia to turn into a diplomatic power, respecting the achievements of other countries. Just imagine, dear Macedonians, how you will feel after reading this article, imagine how fellow allies would feel if they read something like this about their country. I'm not flattering you because I feel like that may help our relationship, it's a flattery deriving from honest expressions. As I have lost hope for my homeland, I shall keep my hopes high for you!

Aye, aye, Macedonia. Turn yourself into a power, fly away to distant lands, master the wisdom that you have in you. Aye aye, Macedonians, the world shall tremble before you.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly