A traveller returns

Day 760, 02:03 Published in Japan United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

Over one month ago I was in receipt of a permanent ban for alleged multi abuse as a result of my charitable efforts during the Theocratic rise in eSouth Korea. The ban was overturned 24Hrs after issue on the grounds that those who reported me were lying due to their frustrations with my re-enactment of Theocratic policies on their nation.

With my orgs stripped from my control due to an in-game bug - I decided to take a month away from the game whilst technical issues were sorted and finnaly i made my return to eJapan.

I reappeared to a strange situation..........The Americans were attacking Kyushu! and after an overnight in eJapan I awoke to my horror in American occupied lands. I quickly started a RW for Kyushu and delved into a months worth of news to find out how it had come to pass that our allies had deserted us and let the key to asia fall.

It soon transpired that eJapan was now advocating an Asia free of foreign occupation and was therefore allowing the Americans onto sovereing soil to enable them to assist the eChinese into liberating their regions.

I then moved over to Kanto (seems the safest Q5 region) and noticed a number of RW's on the Korean peninsula. With no official orders pending and noticing the loss of our 2 best regions on the peninsula - I fought red under the assumption that we were commited to freeing Asia.

Apparently - I might be wrong?!

I have no problem with the current goverment (and do not consider it a PTO) and I believe that the Godzilla party are slowly but incrementally improving eJapan - I do not fundamentally happy with the pro-American, Anti-Phoenix policies of late but I understand from the eNK history as to why they have this bias as much as my opposing bias is from my own personal history of PEACE as the original liberators and protectors of Asia. I do therefore support the policy of seeing all Asian regions in the hands of their rightful owners.

So, please give me some clarity!

Are we fighting to free Asia (therefore fighting red) or are we an American protectorate (for want of a better word) letting them into Asia so we can swap Hungarian rule of eChinese land for eAmerican rule, whilst attempting to hold onto our own occupied regions (fighting Green)?

I see no official [GOV] articles and every time I go on irc I get kicked (and now banned by Chysamere - thx!) by the new clique.

So until the powers that be let us peons know otherwise - I'm fighting red this battle, green the next and so on until the end of time probably!