A story out of boredom

Day 3,077, 10:27 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Dear readers,

I'm writing this article while enjoying a train ride back to my parents. I'm heading back home to meet up with friends. I'm going bowling tonight you know. I'm actually not that bad of a bowler. I'll score about 130 - 165 on average which doesn't make me a pro of course hehe. I do not have a purpose for this article yet, guess I'm just bored. When I entered the train I sat doen next to a man who at one point started to roll a joint containing some hasj. Yeah that stuff happens here in the Netherlands, exposed out in the open.

Been watching some Netflix shows lately I've got a softspot for anything that jas to do with history doesn't matter if they turn it into something fiction/fantasy or stick with the actual story. Today I watched the last episode of Sleepy Hollows currently you can only wath one season on Netflix. It's about the bible, demons, witches and there is a link between the here and now and the time period 1750-1800. Lots of interesting history there hehe.

Anyway after bowling I'm going to have some drinks and enjoy the weekend. I'm super excited about Kingsday next week. It has been a long time since I last went to a festival and on Kingsday I'm going to enjoy one again. Don't worry I don't do drugs and won't get drunk that day perhaps I might get a little tipsy tonight though. You never know what the evening hold when you are viaiting your best friends.

I would like this opportunity to say that I am working on something erepublik related as well. The supply package for soldiers based on weekly kills will soon return to the soldiers of DAF. For those of you unfamiliar woth the supply system, a link to a google doc page will be published in the DAF feed every week. You will have to enter you ingame nickname, a link to your profile and enter the amount of kills you made combined to the division and your strength. This will be a poll optoon. Once you've entered and send the information we will supply you with weapons! Nice ehh? I thought so which js why I want to reintroduce it.

Thanks for reading!
