A return to Congress

Day 976, 15:35 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
It is much more important that you vote up my previous article than this one. Also, anti-PTO efforts come before voting in a domestic election.

This country is facing tough times. Croatia, one of our strongest allies, has been erased from the map. We lost our most valuable region in California. Our economy isn't nearly as strong as it once was, neither are our relations with some allies.

In this tough time for our country, I encourage all Americans to do what they are best at. Some of us are great organizers, military strategists, leaders, fighters, communicators, politicians, negotiators, businessmen, ambassadors or helpers.

Congress is what I've been best at, which is why I'm running for Congress this month in Qinghai. I've been Vice President, an officer in the Marines and National Guard, Congressional Budget Office Director, and served multiple roles in every branch of our government. But if elected, I can make the best impact for our country in Congress.

Congress gets a lot of criticism, some of it deserved, some of it not. But we have had strong congresses before that have helped lead us through tough times, and we can use one again.

I think many would agree that the best Congresses we've had in our history came as we were getting our states back during World War III, just look at some of the people we had serving in either August 2009 or the month after, in September 2009, and really, I could've included more than these 33 but didn't want to make it tl;dr

Aaron S
Alexander Hamilton
Astra Kat G
Bradley Reala
Cade Magnus
Cynic Grim
Daphne Lilac
Elderon Zakath
Evan Feinman
Habraka Abrivianius
James Strife
Jasper Ferguson
Josh Frost
Jude Connors
Killing Time
Rheinlander von Phalz
Samuel Brouillette
St Krems

Now those were some loaded Congresses. All 33 citizens on that list have contributed to this country greatly, even if some aren't around as much anymore (sadly). I challenge you to find a better two months in the history of our Congress.

We need a Congress that can act quickly when needed, but otherwise takes its time to makes sure things are done right and not overreact.

We need a Congress that knows when it needs to put the Executive Branch or military in check, and when it needs to cut them some slack and let them do their thing.

We need a Congress that is willing to think outside the box while keeping in perspective what was worked before.

Keep all of that in mind on election day.

This isn't to say that Congress needs to be filled with old players like me (it would be my 10th term if elected). The perfect Congress would contain a mix of:

1) Old-timers who have been around and seen it all.
2) People with some experience but aren't so old they think they know it all.
3) New players who show a lot of promise and activity, and have new ideas.

The war module in V2/Rising is still fairly new, we may have to completely redo the way look at budgets. The next Congress will not just have to push the buttons, they may have to make some serious decisions.

Thank you for reading, and please vote for a senator who can help Congress on election day (Sunday).