A Return & A Candidacy

Day 1,241, 12:00 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

Hello once more, eCanada.

Sperry is basically Johnny.

Today is April 14th. It's been quite some time since I was active in eRepublik, and I am pleased to say that for the mostpart it is still the adorable little puppy that it was when I left it. I suppose I do miss that sexy house I had when I left, but I'll get over it.

I promised that when I left in August that I would return to Canadian politics, blissfully ignorant to the past several months, and try and win your eLove once more. So that is what I am doing today.

Tomorrow is April 15th. The many parties (including my dear homestead, EPIC) will be choosing their new Party Presidents, and I have thrown my name into the hat once more.

I know, you almost avoided me. I'm sorry.

At the moment the only other person seeking the leadership of EPIC is an old friend of mine, Frank139. Frank is a qualified member and, I am willing to guess, has been very active in the party while I have been gone.

So why am I showing up in the 11th hour?

I may not have the expertise of the past 8 months, but I do have the bravado to claim that I know this game. Others would point out that I obsess over this game during the summer. I enjoy the politics, I enjoy the people, I enjoy the experience. That's why I keep coming back, and why you can count on me to be on call every single day for the next 4 months.

Alia Iaca Est.

The die is cast. April 15th, EPIC, I seek your vote. It's good to be back.

Hugs and Kisses;
A Particularly Old Nuisance