1912 The Declaration of Albanian Independence(RL)

Day 1,817, 03:34 Published in Albania Albania by Rilindasi

in Vlora, on the 15th/28th of November 1328/1912.

Following the speech made by the President, Ismail Kemal Bey, in which he spoke of the great perils facing Albania today, the delegates have all decided unanimously that Albania, as of today, should be on her own, free and independent.

/signatures of the following persons:
Dhimitër Beratti
Elmaz efendi Boce
Hajredin bey Cakrani
Pandeli Cale
Shefqet Daiu
Ymer bey Deliallisi
Vehbi efendi Dibra
Abaz efendi Dilaveri [Çelkupa]
Qemal bey Elbasani [Biçaku]
D. Emanuel
Thanas V. Floqi
Mid’hat bey Frashëri
Luigj Gurakuqi
Salih Gjuka
Veli Harçi
Spiro T. Ilo
Dom Nikollë Kaçorri
Zihni Abaz efendi Kanina
Jorgji Karbunara
Xhelal bey Koprencka
Dhimitër Zografi
Qazim Kokoshi
Mustafa Asim Kruja
Jani Minga
Rexhep bey Mitrovica
Qemal bey Mullaj
Dr. H. Myrtezai
Lef Nosi
Zuhdi bey Ohriti
Bedri bey Pejani
Aristidh Ruçi
Nebil efendi Sefa Lushnja
Nuri efendi Sojliu
Abdi bey Toptani
Murat bey Toptani
Dhimitraq N. Tutulani
Abdyl Aziz Vehbi
Ismail Kemal bey Vlora
Ferit bey Vokopola
Iljaz bey Vrioni
Xhemalyddin Bey [...]

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