[YUUVA] AV4PP Marching On

Day 1,940, 05:07 Published in India Canada by Alias Vision

Party Presidential election are once more upon us on the 15th and this is to publicly acknowledge that I am running again.

My February election likely held a number of unknowns for a number of individuals. I had not been the most present on IRC at that point. I was given chances to participate in Yuuva but had not actually taken the leadership role. I said I would not make big changes but would that be true?

Yuuva today is the same size nominally and relatively to other parties. We've lost a few members and gained an equal amount.

We have the largest Congress representation but have not made demands or expected preferential treatment. Yuuva Congress members have done their jobs quietly and without mistakes.

We successfully supported Alector in his presidential bid and he has trusted me enough to name me Prime Minister (VP).

I have maintained my IRC presence and have gotten to know quite a few of you in the process. As such I have a much better understanding today of both India in general and Yuuva in particular.

I have been lucky this past month as it has been an easy one. My job of communicating with the party has been a simple one as a result.

Although there are now 11 names on the ballot for the 15th, Yuuva did not participate in a primary process for selecting the next PP. The reason being that only one candidate officially declared. Normally you would expect an announcement to support the only officially declared candidate but instead I will invite everyone to a free vote.

As your outgoing party president, I hope I will be able to count on your support once more.

For March-April my goals will be quite similar as the previous one:
*Maintain good communication in the party and work to get more people involved.
*Manage the primary systems for both the CP and PP process (if necessary).
*Encourage and help new and younger citizens to make successful Congress runs.

Finally, I will close by saying that if you are a reader that is not currently part of Yuuva, we could be the party for you. We are big but we are friendly. We also offer opportunity for success that no other party can match. Look at my story... I was part of a group that was considered a potential threat in India. I could easily have been permanently sidelined had I not gotten the help of my party. Getting involved is always hard work but with the right allies behind you it can be extremely rewarding and worthwhile.

Thank you.