[Werewolf] Night Two

Day 2,275, 14:24 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

The arbitrary chaos known by the villagers as 'elections' has ensued. Firstly, the people's democratic right to kill off someone a majority of the mob don't like. On this day in particular there are many front runners that have a good chance of taking out the honour. But after some particular niceness from Wyvernjack and lord braddy, the villagers are forced to award a come-from behind victory to Tim Holtz. They quickly tie him up, and throw him into Binda's basement, where he is quickly swallowed up in a sea of cats. Given the cats lack any particular fondness for dogs, it is not surprising to hear their hisses underneath his wolfish howls.

The villagers, upon hearing his howls, also realise that this was indeed what the founding fathers intended by allowing the mob to brutally kill a villager each day. And promise to always try and kill wolves with their lynching, unless they REALLY don't like someone.

That is until T.B. Hat gets up behind the podium and gives an uplifting speech on the villager's right to kill whoever they like. The villagers all pretend to look disgusted at this proposal, before all secretly voting for her anyway.

Tim_Holtz the wolf died.

Night Phase, Roles PM me. Including you Miss Hat.

Days without killing seer:3

Player List
Dr Hugh Jardon
Claire Louise
lord braddy
Dr Lathander Turin
T. B. Hat