[Werewolf] Night One

Day 2,274, 01:32 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

The villagers descend hastily upon Dr Hugh Jardon with pitchforks and torches. They, are, however, given his title, concerned about killing off the doctor, so they send kerna96 to back to Dr Jardon's house. On his way, he trips over a large golden idol of the all powerful Pat McCrutch and breaks his nose.

They instead send lord braddy who finds Dr Hugh's paperwork, and discovers that he simply has a measly PhD in English Literature. In disgust at his love of literature, the villagers hurl Dr Jardon in fiery pit of doom #47.

The villagers then turn to newly-elected leader Cyber.Casper, who is unfortunately picking his nose at that particular time. The quickly pops it in his mouth and launches into his prepared speech on change for the village. He introduces a new plan to pay people not to be werewolves. The plan appears to be a great success, as everyone accepts the money offered.

Night Phase, roles PM me (including the mayor.)

Days without killing seer:1.