[Werewolf] Day Three

Day 2,276, 03:36 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

The villagers all wake up very late in the day, as they are all sad and lonely on Valentine's Day, and barely have the will to exist any more. Luckily for some, they died before the sad and depressing 24 hours known as Valentine's Day. The villagers find Nicky6Fingers' corpse curled up in the untended garden of Callum Ormand, who became a successful Gardening Australia co-host.

They also find the body of mayor T.B Hat splayed on the only paved road of the town. This disappoints the villagers as the bloodstain is quite an eyesore on what is otherwise, they believe, is quite a pleasant town. They are also relatively disappointed about the death of their mayor.

Day Phase. Mayor and Lynch votes please.

Days without killing seer: 4

Yes, for those of you who think that 'counting' is important, Tim should not have died yesterday, that is entirely the fault of Dr Hugh Jardon >.> and will not be mentioned again. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to right the wrong other than get Dr Hugh to write a written apology, he should be good at it with his PhD in English Literature.

Player List
Dr Hugh Jardon
Claire Louise
lord braddy
Dr Lathander Turin
T. B. Hat