[Werewolf] Day One

Day 2,301, 23:27 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

The villagers of McCrutchville had been experiencing a term of great prosper under Prime Minister Mickskitz, reaching a gigantic population of 20, when they were once again plagued by the existence of Werewolves. *dun*dun*dun* What will the villagers do next? Read on to find out....

The villagers gather in the town centre, around their gigantic golden statue of scottty the nuke, which remains impeccably shiny given all the village has been through. To survive they opt to choose a leader, on which all blame can be placed. They also decide to democratically, and ceremoniously kill off a fellow villager each day at their wish. (There is a clause in which they can choose not to kill a villager but where's the fun in that, they reason.)

Day phase roles have been PM'd, if you didn't get a PM from me, you are an innocent villager, lynch and mayor votes please.

Picture to break wall of text

Sorry about the delay guys, I was waiting on Lupurus to accept my friend request, but since they've failed to I can't add them into this game. Which is a shame considering the name :/

Since this is a chaos round (yay!) there are two teams of wolves (two in each team) who do not know who the other team are. There are two doctors who don't know who the other one is, two vigilantes who also don't know the other one and same with the two seers.

Player List:
Dr Hugh Jardon
lord braddy
Marjoo Umbri
Claire Louise
Dr. Lathander Turin
Super Christopher
Marcus Arolia
T.B. Hat

EDIT: Also, map of McCrutchville.