[UKRP] So you think you can Mongress?

Day 2,555, 10:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Addaway

Hello eUK,

Indeed, as the title of the article alludes to, we’re only a week away from this months elections to decide who gets to talk, post memes and vote in the DPRGB’s Congress.

A fair few months ago now, I wrote an article where I went into a lot of depth regarding my views on what kind of player should go into congress, I won’t reproduce it here but I’ll try and summarise it:

The truth is, the eUK has suffered for a long time with substandard congressmen, whether this be because players are inactive, have little to no grasp of core game mechanics, or have been thrown into congress by their PPs because they are new and PPs practically fall over themselves to be the guy that loves new players. Its a trick that New Era (and later Vendetta) were particularly proficient at, leading to months of horrendous lists- at one point consisting of four of Dapper’s accounts.

I don’t buy into the notion that Congress is in some way the first stop for a player who wants to do stuff in the political module. Congress should be a body of the eUK’s most active, competent and knowledgeable players- not drones that will block vote for their party and otherwise stay quiet.

How is this relevant?

Well this month, I want to get our list in UKRP to emulate that, and so I invite everyone who thinks they can cut it to candidate themselves for next weeks election. I’m going to be ordering the list based on who I think will make the right decisions for the eUK over the course of the month- active, decent players. Whether you have been hanging around in the UKRP for years is secondary to be honest, my priority is the best congressmen for the country as a whole.

So, if you want to congress next month, stick your name down. If you want to drop me a PM to explain why you think you’d be useful in there, feel free.

UKRP Overlord
Alex Popovic’s Underling