[UKRP] Congress elections and some updates

Day 1,370, 01:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

Congress Elections

I have announced all placements for the upcoming congress elections on the forums. Please place your candidature by the 23rd of August.

Blockers: If all 11 of you could get in touch with Daniel Thorrold as soon as possible about blocking for the congress elections, that would be great.

Any extra candidates who didn't respond to the attendance check and thus didn't make it into the final list, please also talk to Daniel Thorrold.

Military Unit 2.0

As it was announced in this article by Dishmcds, the UKRP now has a second military unit. UKRP Military, ran by Dishmcds, will deal with supplying our members with food and weapons in order to fight, whereas UKRP Community, ran by myself, will deal with helping our members progress in the game and informing them about alternative ways of communication on the game.

Demand for entrance into these military units have so far been astronomical, with the new military unit already half full and the existing one having 40 members. A further military unit may be needed, so keep a watch out.

Song of the Day - 21/08

We had a vote on it this time and safe to say... well... here:

"Pumped up kicks" by Foster the People - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDTZ7iX4vTQ

And for the sake of Thorrold, the Professor Layton and the Lost Future Theme song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-W4iDW5o6Y

Why some of our members joined the UKRP

"I joined when we were the largest party originally, for the same principles we still stand for today.

Organisation, efficiency, democracy and a mutual willingness to help others."

- Sir Humphrey Appleby, joined in a year or two ago

"I looked into the parties and the people in them and after a thorough investigation I decided the UKRP was the place to be."
- HeloDan, joined in June

"I joined the UKRP for primarily for their organisation and efficiency. They were the first to contact me and the first to help me. Being first matters, and the UKRP ace it every time."
- Top Hat Harry, joined in June

"I enjoyed the conversation I had on IRC the first time with UKRP members more than I did with TUP or ESO."
- Murdoc1, joined in June

"Well, first, i got an invitation only from you guys, and the party was the largest one"
- Siziz, joined a few days ago

"You guys were the first to message me and the giveaways of food and weapons were a nice touch. What's made me stay is the constant offers to explain game mechanics and tips - the willingness of average members to explain things to me in terms my tiny simian mind can understand"
- 1andymac1, joined last month

"Uh, I was like, "Ooh, there are political parties" and then I started clicking on them and UKRP said "Centre-right" and I was like, "Bingo, that's the one" - and it's bigger than the other "centre-right" party, APP. So there."
- Thatshortbro, joined in around April 2011

"You can thank Katie (whom I doubt anyone here knows anymore) and Kaleb for me joining. When I got here, I met Funky and Jerry, and Rayf (another fellow "I LIVE IN THE US BUT CANT STAND THEM" guy), and it was on from there."
- Dishmcds, joined in prehistoric times

Global Ranking


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I want free stuff!

Click here and post your citizens profile link to receive free food.

I have a problem or want to know more!

Any questions, any problems, anything at all. Feel free to PM me and I will help you with whatever you need.

Here, have some more Zooey Deschanel

Thanks for reading,