[UKPP] Party Conference : The Hangover report

Day 2,406, 07:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

As the hour of the conference approached there was a worrying lack of company in the UKPP channel!

Luckily the free-bar had been drained dry and one-by-one the members staggered into the hall and once Slaxor had been persuaded to put some clothes on and the filter had been set to stop any lolicon or ponies the conference got going.

The Agenda was rattled through in something approaching 2-3 hours and whilst we were indeed graced and distracted by an appearance from an old friend or two we managed to get some things done........

No big surprises here.

Money in your pocket and no more then necessary given to a gov that doesn't do all that much socially.

High Imports to keep them forigs from plundering the market and to give a little protection to our domestic producers.

Minimum wage at the absolute lowest as aside from it sounding very populist to increase it - It won't affect regular workers, those in Foreign MU companies and only really punishes the eUK based MUs, who are disadvantaged already with our currently decreasing resource bonuses.

With many members either well supplied in their current MUs or on the fair wage program the absolute need for weapon donations was considered moot.

It was therefore decided that the daily take from the UKPP commune would be better spent on working in parallel to national, training centre upgrade programs and by investing in our members economic growth.

The figures needed to go down this route will be gathered in the coming days and reported back to the party so that the division of cash and the management structure can be put in place before the next PP elections.

The concept of a national army is long dead as the infrastructure that once existed to support it has long since been eroded and/or sold off.

Members expressed a general regard for the current situation of private and party MUs competing to be the best by attracting and retaining fighters.

The Party however will not be supporting any plans for on-going support of any MU! The administrative talent in gov does not exist to manage it fairly and even if it did the arguments over allocations and fair reporting would only darken political discourse in an era when we need to be moving forward.

The question of a Party MU was raised as it may complement our ATO plans, Foreign affairs outlook, the knitting together our community and assisting new player support.


*Call to arms and other such one-off schemes are not prohibited by this policy

Those attending agreed that the eUK into SIRIUS movement was lacking in a democratic sense (whilst acknowledging that it was probably the right course to take).

The Party therefore supports the concept of a national referendum on the subject with the details to be worked out by a 😜arty consensus.

The party membership is also to be balloted on wheter they see the future of the eUK as part of the usual mega-alliances or operating more independently.

Ballot papers will be sent with a link to an article detailing the pro's and con's of each position.

The current approach to elections taken by the PP recognised that he or she ultimatly controls the buttons and therefore was approved as is;

UKPP favours active players that wish to make a difference. We have no formal requirements for entering congress under a UKPP banner. It is the domain of the PP (party president) to organise the order of runners how he or she sees fit. Things such as being seen as active, willing and responsible will however guide the PP.

After the end of congressional elections, members may notify the PP of their desire to run for the CP position by Private Mail. In the event of multiple entries a ballot will be organised of party members listing the applicants and the option 'none of the above'.

The option with the highest number of votes shall become the CP representative of the party.

PP elections
Any member is free to put themselves forward for and campaign for the position of Party President.

In all cases the vote of the individual member at in-game elections is theirs to use as they wish and they are not obligated or required to follow any party or national whip.

The question of ATO defense was raised and the current PP will arrange a defense prior to the PP elections which will be dependent on the MU vote initially.

The roles of VP, Secretary General, spokesman and the like were also briefly discussed but as they are largely 'fap' positions with no power the issue was passed over to the next UKPP conference.

So ended the June '14 UKPP conference.

I would like to thank all those who attended and hope that we will see you and many more members at the next conference.
