[UK] What Has The Unity Party Ever Done For Us?

Day 1,993, 14:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Dear Friends and Readers, please take some time out to read about what TUP has done for us.

Opponent: "what has The Unity Party ever done for us?"

Well, my dear boy, the answer is quite simple: we put the nation back on the map after 12 hours of it.

Opponent: "Apart from liberating the UK, what has The Unity Party ever done for us?"

Hmm, another tricky question, oh, I know, conquered Ireland...again.

Opponent: "apart form conquering Ireland and liberating the UK, what has The Unity Party ever done for us?"

Well, raised the population, saved us more money, fought a cost-effective war, got us the most powerful allies in the new world, got us into TWO, runs TWO, destroyed EDEN, saved the UK countless times, made the right, tough decisions again and again, saved us from EDEN domination, conquered parts of America and more.

Opponent: "apart from all that, what has The Unity Party ever done for us? NOTHING"

- Opposition Council Meeting

So, what has The Unity Party ever done? Well, if you discount everything I mentioned, and ignore the rest of the benefits you will see that we have really done nothing for the nation.

If you listen to these guys, one gets the wrong impression of The Unity Party. My friends, and readers, TUP has busted their guts out for the UK, to be fair to many other parties they have as well but the real question has been aimed at what The Unity Party has done for the UK.

The answer, really, is so much over the years, so much for their members and the United Kingdom as a whole, so much for new citizens that these arguments against us fall away when peered at closely. I implore you, ignore the hypocrisy, slander and falsehoods, ignore what has been levelled at us because we are the party of the past, present and the future.

Bohemond4 MP
The Daily Knight