[TUP]Statement Regarding Party President Elections

Day 1,999, 21:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Dear Friends and Readers, Party Members and Honoured Opponents.

Our Party President, Ash Brandon, has taken the decision to go on a bit of a holiday around parts of the world, starting with South Africa. As his Vice-Party President that means it falls upon me to take up the mantle of leadershi[ for the last few days this month.

Now onto the current election crisis over in New Era, recently Mwcerberus announced he was running for PP to which it was declared a PTO attempt by senior members of New Era. The Unity Party would like to state that we officially condemn any attempt to PTO New Era and any other party for that matter. We would like to encourage all potential members thinking of supporting Mwc to avoid moving parties and instead vote for Unity candidates this election.

In response to clams levelled at our party and those that may be levelled in the future, we would like our official statement to be recorde😛 The Unity Party condemns the Political Takeover Attempt of New Era. I have no doubt that the current structures put in place by New Era to avoid this are sufficient to prevent the takeover, however, once again we state that we do not wish for our members to leave our party and vote in another election.

While we acknowledge that we cannot control all our members, we state that there is no backing of any attempt by The Unity Party and should it succeed we will condemn it.

Interim Party President
The Unity Party