[TUP] East Midlands? I say! Vote Thomas765!

Day 1,676, 20:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

Hello eUK!
I, Thomas765, have decided to be a dastardly person and run for congress, this time in the East Midlands.

Who I am running under...
I am running for congress as a member of The Unity Party, the largest party in the country. The Unity Party (TUP) has been around for quite some time, producing the most presidents of any party in the country's history, from Iain Keers to Talon Karrde.

Why vote me...
- I am a former president of the UK
- I am also a former 13 time congressman, 8 of which were in the UK.
- I am Deputy Secretary General of ONE
- I am required to be active on the eUK forums as a global moderator, so activity is assured.
- I am active on IRC, the method of conventional chat for eRepublik

So the message of this article is:
Vote for Thomas765 this coming Monday in the East Mids 🙂

Derbyshire ruralness


Thanks for reading!
