[TUP] Congress Results + CP Elections

Day 2,014, 15:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4
Dear friends, readers, party members, allies, Waynekerr and opponents;

Congress results are in and we did not do as well as I had hoped we would do. Overall, there was a marked decline in all parties standings and the turnout for all votes. I would like to take time to congratulate the Workers Right's Party on their electoral debut in the top 5 and to wish them well in the future, and to congratulate the UKRP on their impressive solo turn out.

Now, on to something more interesting for us all, as many of you are aware and have noticed, Nr Woldy, His Majesty, King of eBritain, eNew Zealand, eJamaica, eAustralia and eCanada, many times former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and all round top bloke is running for the top job.

However, there usually is a second runner, or even a third. If you are interested in running for this months CP election and you seek The Unity Party's backing, please message me with you bid before the 27th when I will be placing the vote up to select who we, as a party, back.

Bohemond, Viscount of Cambridge
Party President of The Unity Party
Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Knight