[TUP] And We Are Number 1!!

Day 1,949, 12:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

In case you live under a rock, or, you don't look at party rankings/are oblivious to the general jubilation and fireworks coming from The Unity House, then you would know that The Unity Party has, since the 19th March 2013 reached the number 1 spot - again - a great result which has been due to hard work, persistence and an internal strengthening of the party.

We reluctantly vacated this spot in November 2012 to The UKPP, an up and coming party, under the leadership of Lady Macbeth II suffering several months of decline which has seen the party tighten up internally and come back, I am pleased to say, stronger than before and more aware of what we need to do in the service of the people of this country.

At the time of our fall from the number 1 slot many declared the 'end of an era' and that 'the New Era is upon us'. But we are back. We are number 1. And we are stronger now than we were when we lost the top spot.

The Unity Party has continuously worked to maintain good policies for the UK in order to benefit both our fellow citizens and to work in the best interests of our shared nation. We invest in both our young and old members, using those of us with experience to mentor and educate those with less experience as well as working to provide them with that experience wherever we can.

We have seen a large number of young citizens earn experience in Congress receiving education on the various law proposals as well as the implications that come from voting a certain way. We believe that this education works in raising up Congress members who can help the government of the day to navigate our nation throughout the ever-changing nature of the new world.

Talon Karrde has launched an initiative for the party to release a definitive set of policies that our party collectively backs at this time for you all to examine to your hearts content. This is scheduled to be published after the Congressional elections this month.

So, if any of this appeals to you and you wishto be a member of our great party, to get involved, then please go ahead an😛

Unity is Strength!

Congress Member
The Unity Party