[Toad University] Avatar Border

Day 1,271, 08:38 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

Toad University has just recently launched its avatar border. If you have registered for Toad University and do not take part in any military please try it on!

What courses does Toad University offer?


In this class you will learn many things such as the economic module, tips, and how to become rich without purchasing gold.

eCanadian Politics

This course will show you where exactly parties are on the political spectrum. You will learn all about eCanadian Politics.

International Relations

In this course you will learn about the major alliances, when and how they formed. It will also include the old disbanded alliances such as Phoenix.

Military History

Military History will offer education for the war module lovers. You will learn how and when the big import wars started. The wars that created good and bad relations that we still have today.

Toad University is hiring!

Toad University is always looking for good people to help out with the university. We hope we can hire the best. Apply now for spot on the Toad University Team!


Student Registration
Staff Applications

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University Director