'Tis a Gathering

Day 1,277, 14:21 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

EPIC has not troubled about the spats of eCanada for a very long time. But now something is about to happen that has not happened for an age: Entmoot.

It's an article, had to reference something!

I cannot recall the last time EPIC held an official meeting of its membership. Like most parties, we tend to become most bubbly around the 25th of each month, pouring into discussions and IRCs about where to send candidates and votes as Canadians vie for a seat in Congress.

This, however, is different.

It has been a long time since I attended one of these gatherings. But, because I do love chit-chatting and I'm told there will be free puppies, I'll be attending this one. On Sunday, May 22nd at 8pm EST (17:00 Game Time), EPIC will be holding an open summit in our IRC, #EPICan.

EPIC Members are, of course, particularly invited. Some of these summits have been very helpful in the past, and it offers an excellent opportunity for us to spend some time together without the peculiar psychosis of the 25th. Out-of-party players are just as welcome to attend - there are a lot of wonderfully intelligent people in eCanada, and having you around for this sort of gathering would be a pleasure indeed.

It would make me a very happy panda indeed if you would join us this Sunday for a chance to discuss the current state of affairs in eRepublik, as well as some party matters as we continue our second year as a party. Or, if you like, hop on over to our IRC channel right now!

#EPICan, Our Perdy IRC
