[Thomas765] Military Policy

Day 1,473, 08:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

Hello there eUK!
This is my fourth of six articles I'm going to release for the eUK and this one is where loads of improvement will be required over the coming month and beyond.

It's no secret that the UK military is fading a bit over the rise of party military units. I wouldn't necessarily say this is a bad thing but we still need to be able to effectively coordinate damage instead of fighting randomly. Currently Ireland are trying to seize the West Midlands from us. Admittedly they rely on tanking. If we could coordinate our damage more efficiently, his tanking could be easily negated. The problem with this is communication.

Over the last month it was made apparent by jamesw that nobody used the military unit coordination channel. I'd say this wasn't effective even if it gets the military unit leaders together. What I suggest having is a channel for members of all military units. Sure we could use #mod but that's used as the public channel for the eUK army. #euk.strike is for coordinating with international tanks.

If you were around earlier this year, you would remember the good old army strikes that could decide the ending of a battle. The module has since changed but the principle could still be used. I believe we are capable of having strikes but only if we put in the effort, supplies and effort.

Supplies are still quite poor compared to our enemies, which can be something of a let down. I'd like to see them gradually increased in the army with additional companies being brought in if need be. The last few changes in the military by different MoDs made the military appear like a toy.

Army Recruitment and Retention
The army is falling in numbers, which was likely to happen with the introduction of military units. I feel that the army is more manageable right now but in terms of activity, it is a great let down when damage is urgently needed in a battle and nobody is available to fight.

Personally, I think the toying around of the army at the end of Kevy's and Daeres' term and the transition into Temujin's first term did make the army lose membership. I'd like to propose getting some feedback at the start of the month on ways that the army could be improved to increase activity and retention.

Cooperation with MoHA in getting guides out
I'd personally like to see more of a presence of the military, so I'd like the Ministry of Defence to work with the Ministry of Home Affairs in getting more articles out and beginning an even great army recruitment campaign. I do like the idea of party militias so I wouldn't and couldn't stand in their way but as I mentioned above, I'd like to have greater battle coordination and communication with them to ensure damage is being dealt effectively.

MoD Orders
I think that they've been improving over the last month with articles regularly being posted in the morning and being updated. Most of the time, I'd like to see a main priority and a second priority for fighters but often judgement could split the damage up significantly. I still want to continue and improve the way MoD orders are given in-game and make them more public on the forum too.

Cooperation with international militaries and military units?
I do like the idea but I think we should focus on improving communication among units at home and then make some attempt to communicate more with individual foreign units. We do speak to ONE command frequently, with Iain being present in the cabinet channel this month often.

And tomorrow will be my Economic manifesto. Stay tuned!



I am opening up application for a variety of ministerial positions for the next month. All applicants are considered but not necessarily chosen. Please send me over a PM with your experience, why you want the position and the most obvious point: your name. 😛

The following positions will be available if I'm electe😛

Minister of Foreign Affairs - 1 place
Minister of Defence - 2 places
Minister of Home Affairs - 2 places
Minister of Legislative Affairs - 1 place
Minister of Finance - 1 place

Thank you for reading,
