[Thomas] Lessons we can learn...

Day 1,797, 10:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

Hello eUK,
Having been a citizen of the USA for a couple of months, I have seen first-hand the effects that relaxed citizenship can have. This article will go into detail to the history of the PTO of America and what we, as a nation, can learn from that.

The beginnings

America rose up as ONE fell in the final months of 2011. Resources became commonplace throughout the TEDEN empire, including France, who had suffered nearly a year of being put down by Poland and other ONE powers. America, being one of only two stable resource power houses of the world, was willing to let people into their country to benefit from the resources.

At the time, they had company owners who would supply for EDEN's armies against the now rather weak forces of ONE. The United Kingdom, Macedonia and Serbia all faced perpetual wipe. During these months, their citizens (while there was a "ONE" presence in the USA beforehand, it escalated during this period), along with EDEN's moved to the USA, where some were given citizenship. This helped ONE's armies as well as EDEN's. There was no deal nor was there an arrangement to let them in. They were just let in randomly.

ONE dissolved, CTRL was formed. The USA was in turmoil as EDENites, primarily Croatians, the French, Greeks and Romanians became displeased with the country's new direction towards Spain and Poland. It became a problem and this was highlighted when their immigration bureau was closed for a month during August. It was worse than initially thought.

Political Movement Begins

The PTOers were banded together by Ajay (Ronald Gripper Reagan) and they, with the help of chickensguys, founded themselves a party by the July congress elections. The party was previously known as The Libertarian party. Anti-PTO forces were able to take back the party in the August elections, where it was renamed "We The People".

The situation grew worse as there were more PToers elected into congress by the 25th of August.

Our beloved Admins changed the congress system for the September elections. In theory, the practice of the new form of election could help a country get itself out of a PTO situation. By the time it was implemented, however, the USA was in such a deep PTO that the system is beyond crap. The new system guarantees particular people a place in congress and also guarantees PTOers places in congress until the threat dies down.

What can we learn from what's happened in the USA?

America is one of the world's largest nations, we are barely a fraction of the size and activity of the great nation by our borders. They are barely surviving right now.

Regulating our citizenship as what's being done right now is the only way to make sure we stay in control of our own country. There's no advantage to having open citizenship, nor is there any advantage to closing it altogether.

The USA needs to work together to keep their country going. We're under little threat of PTO right now but I would strongly recommend that parties here work together to ensure the safety and sovreignity of our nation. We don't have to agree, nor do we have to do much. But I am asking that sanity be introduced into the policies of all parties. Come to an agreement on citizenship somehow. Participate in party debates with civility.

That is all.


More articles to come in the future. Hopefully.

Join The Unity Party today!

Thanks for reading!
