[Swiss Liberal Party] Project: "Cleaning Parties"

Day 1,614, 08:45 Published in Switzerland Serbia by mungos032

-Hello dear Swiss people!
I will go on point righ now.
I , as a president of Swiss Liberal Party, started a project which name is "Cleaning Parties".
What's that mean?
That's mean that we will clean all parties in Switzerland , who have many more members than they actually are.

How i know that?
This days i fighting for SLP to get in top 5 parties in Switzerland. In front of us it was SNP (Swss Nationalist Party) , on party page was written : members : 16 . I click on "Show members" and i count only 8 members. I sent tickets to admin , and tomorrow i get reply :

Mihai D.

Posted On: 20 Apr 2012 10:56 AM
Hello ,

We have solved this issue. Thanks for your support.

The eRepublik Team

Now Swiss Nationalist Party ,which is now called Swiss Cheeze party have 8 members.
I also do with Anti Imperialis Movement,which had 26 members and now 19 members.

The same process is done with the other party in the country!

According to unofficial data, SRC will lose 16 members, GG will lose 14 members, SFP will lose 6 members , and AIM already lose 7 members.

That is all i wanted to say!

best regards , mungos95 [president of SLP]

Contact president of Swiss Liberal Party

-click on picture-