[Swiss Liberal Party] Giving food and tanks

Day 1,609, 11:29 Published in Switzerland Serbia by mungos032

-Hello dear Swiss people!

-Liberal party is again with you, just with different people!
The new party in Switzerland , Swiss Liberal Party giving a free tanks and food for new start!


1.Swiss CS
2.Higher level than 10
3.To write comment " I'm for better Switzerland! "

After that we will send you a pack of 3 tanks (q6 quality) and 5 food (q6 quality).
Pack will sending
Giorgioch , old Swiss player .
Today he is a sponsor, but tomorrow will be someone else! All for a better and stronger Switzerland!

Then if you become a member of the Swiss Liberal Party get you are eligible to get more 5 tanks , and you it will be more this food/wep giving.

Swiss Liberal Party

just click on link or on this picture...

Party president: mungos95