[shoi4CP] We Work So You Don't Have To

Day 2,014, 13:17 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

You happy now, Ardy?

Anyways, Homer's been a great CP. This has been the greatest string of presidencies I've seen since Rylde's duration as CP, and I've enjoyed every minute of it. However, the old guy needs a break. Why not elect a fellow yellow guy? ...That was a racist joke. Laugh along.

Anyway, everyone always just talks about how great they are and why they'll be the next big thing. I'm gonna do something different. Let me start with all the reasons I shouldn't be elected as president. You know, all my flaws. First, I have little experience both in finance and internal affairs in general. It's never been my forte, and that I will freely admit. Second, as my MU TCO will readily admit, I sometimes forget the most mundane of tasks. (In my defense, the roll calls were messed up) Third, I'm notoriously lazy. Seriously, I can go days without changing out of my pajamas if my schedule lets me. And my readers have seen how I can get complacent with my articles.


I have an extensive resume of foreign affairs work. I think I'm going on 7, 8 terms? In terms of experience, I don't think there are many people as qualified as me. The reason that I haven't run until now is because I've had my mornings and afternoons occupied by this program called school. Apparently it's a thing. But now summer has arrived, and I will have plenty of time to dedicate to learning and working on liberating this great country of ours, and fighting alongside our allies against TWO. Unlike other players, who have spent their time building up their strength and leading militarily, my greatest (re: only) strength has been in foreign affairs, and I have worked hundreds of hours on slurping knowledge into my gestational tracts, and have tried equally hard on sharing this info back to the public, making everyone just a little less idiotic more knowledgeable. Hence, the article crusade.

Of course, this won't just be me. I'm absolutely inexperienced in internal affairs, and I couldn't handle all the aspects of being a CP even if I was omniscient (re: I know more than you). I've already begun planning my merry band of misfits that will lead the rest of you for the next month. Our current cabinet has been working tirelessly, and I could see many of them being part of my puppeteer show. Oi, Dozzer! 😉
(Plus, cabinet needs more RAW22RRRRR)

What's the difference between Dozzer's campaign and mine? What separates us is minutia at best. Frankly, even if he was elected and I was absolutely humiliated in the polls, it wouldn't really matter. He'd do a fine job. But you know, it'd be nice. I think.

The only difference, essentially, will be the guy at the top. We both hate Spain. We both plan on working more with CoT and helping both ourselves and our allies as much as we can. I suppose I can't really say anything that will influence your choice, but go ahead. Take your pick 🙂

Remember, I can't do worse than Derphoof, eh?

TL😉R We work so you don't have to.

(Don't worry, all the juicy bits are to come)

Until next time, take care!

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edit: klop