[shoi4CP] A Pharaoh Needs His Chariots

Day 2,021, 21:11 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12
Music 🙂


Actually, that's a decent metaphor~

Think about it. If I'm lucky enough to rig the election and buy the swing votes wake up on the morning of the 6th with a new cap on, I shall be the one that helps drive this nation back on the map and lead our nation forward. Yet, I am but one man (?). I may lead my cabinet, but without them, I can't really go anywhere. I whip them into shape, and they help carry the nation where it needs to go. It's symbiosis. They don't have the leader without me, but without them I'd have to go everywhere on foot. Which sucks. WALKING SUCKS. ;_;

So, what do I look for in my cabinet? It's pretty simple. It's sorta how you'd look for traits in a friend, or applicants for a job opening. I want people I can trust, people I can work with. Good, honest people who can help me better this country. Experience is nice, sure. After all, I've always sat next to the big chair, not in it. Some guidance is always good. But experience isn't really necessary. Any person can learn given enough time. It's the people that will put in the time and effort to better this nation not for personal publicity or for their own gain, but for the good of this country, that are truly the ripe fruit. And I intend to pick as much as I can. 🙂

I couldn't be more hono(u)red to bring this cabinet alongside me ^.^

VP: Mary Chan
Frankly, the person I trust the most in eCanada. Ridiculously knowledgeable and a friend to all, I honestly wouldn't run without her as my right-hand ma- erm... woman. She will be quite a valuable asset not just for me, but for the nation as a whole. And I kinda needed some fanservice, so...there ya go 😛

MoFA: Dozzer_x
I got the crap end of a deal, and we have to be each other's MoFAs. Oh boy. But honestly, there's not another who's more qualified to help me in foreign affairs. Besides me 😉 Seriously, though, Dozzer and I have worked together on the foreign front for months, and if I'm victorious, it'd be a shame for him not to have a say.

MoF: Bryan Alexander
If something works, why change it? Hopefully, he'll be more useful as we gain more and more regions, and, you know, have more money to spend. But Bryan has been phenomenal at managing our bank accounts and funding. How do you know? Well, has he made any news lately? ...exactly 😉

Mo😨 I-Bleed-Blue-93
Because MDP forced me to these conditions in order to get nominated IBB has continued to do fantastically for this country. He knows what to do, and how to do it. Frankly, with what's gonna happen this coming month, I'll be needing his services, and I'm glad he's along for the ride ^.^

dMo😨 klop123

Asgard Reps: Dozzer_x, klop123

*bows to the cabinet*

*bows to eCanada*

It's a pleasure ^.^

This is the core of my cabinet. Hardworking, trusted, in some cases beloved members of our society that wish the best for our nation. Since ruling a country wouldn't be fun alone. Of course, anyone who wants to help out can shoot me a message, and I'll see what I can do 🙂

Okay, these are people. With jobs. But they need to do stuff, non? I'm glad to work alongside these folks, but with great power...you know the rest. I'm a slacker myself, so I'm counting on these folks to keep me in line. In the same way, I'm not gonna let y'all get off-track. I have ma sœur to whip y'all into shape 😉

I will have a final write-up up sometime, so feel free to take a look 🙂

Until next time, take care!

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