[PCP] PP Announcement 1

Day 1,946, 12:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbobfrey

Greetings comrades!

We had a PTO attempt during the elections so now Steeeev and I will be your joint Party Presidents. So, here is a basic plan of what you can expect from us. This is based on my initial ideas. If any of you have any suggestions/ideas, please feel free to share them 🙂

So, let’s get starte😛

We’ll be releasing regular articles at least once per week with the latest updates of what’s going on in the PCP, a small recruitment message and what we want to do. Regular updates are important to let our members know what’s happening.

I think that the PCP is in need of regular meetings where we can discuss what’s happening this month, what we've been doing and anything else which comes up. Don’t worry – we won’t have meetings every day but once a week or so would be good, if we are able to. I want to set the ball rolling with a meeting this weekend. I’ll post some details on the PCP message feeds. These will be held on #pcp.private – check the forums or send me a message to get the passcode.

At the last PCP meeting, we discussed recruitment. The PCP is the 7th largest party in the eUK which is good but we can do better. With some recruitment, we could add some more people to the People’s Communist Party and more active comrades means more fun.

I’m eager to get a system set up for sending out recruitment messages. We sorted out something at the last meeting. If anybody is interested, we’ll be adding a topic to the forums shortly.

Le Internationale
It could be fun to say hello to our international left-wing comrades. We could share a friendly meeting with a foreign party or have an international competition – something which is fun and can get everyone involved.

Those are my just my initial plans to be added to through the rest of the term. The aim is to expand the PCP and, more importantly, to have some fun while we’re doing it.

Long live the revolution!
Comrade Jimbob