[PCP] League Table of Fun

Day 2,016, 06:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbobfrey

Hey PCP,

Calross gave me £1500 which I used to buy some weapons for a series of games. To mix things up a bit, I thought it would be cool to run a league table so you can compete against other PCP members for a bonus prize at the end if you take part or do well. Keep your eyes peeled for competitions in the PCP feeds...

First Competition - Tank Days

For 29-30th May (on eRepublik), destroy enemies for rewards. Those with the highest ‘tanking’, according to eRepublik, will get a prize:

1st = 10 Q7 + 4 points

2nd = 7 Q7 + 3 points

3rd = 4 Q7 + 2 points

4th = 1 Q7 + 1 point

If you’re in the People’s Army and PCP, you are automatically entered into this competition. If you are not in PA but want to join in, let me know so I can include you o7

(Tanking takes into account level and division so we all stand a chance)

This is for members of the People’s Communist Party only - join us! 😉

Comrade Jimbobfrey