[PCP] Congress + PP Announcement 2

Day 1,951, 02:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbobfrey

Hello and welcome to the second article for the PCP this month. A fair amount is happening in the PCP. This is a busy article but I’ve tried to keep it short.

Contents: Congress, PCP Communes, Free Stuff Articles to get Money for all PCP Members, Recruitment and March Meet 2 (the last meeting)


We have 2 Congressmen in New Era. Jan Svalbard has the 5th priority seat and Yossarian Afudyakno has the 6th priority seat. These two seats are pretty much guaranteed and this is a very good deal. Thank you very much to New Era.

PCP members, please vote for New Era during these Congress elections.

PCP Communes

The communes are a good idea - they give their workers 60-70 Q7 each week. However, the communes need weapons raw materials (WRM) in order to keep producing these Q7 weapons. To put it into perspective, we are in need of about 10,000 more WRM each day. We can’t expand the communes if we don’t get more supplies.

I would like to ask commune members to help by giving some of their WRM to Steeeeve. Even if you don’t have much, giving just a little would be very much appreciated. WRM can’t be donated so, if you would like to help, you need to sell the WRM at 0.04 GBP and message Steeeeve to let him know you are selling them. He’ll then reply and ask you to send his spent money back to him.

Thank you to those who are currently contributing. Your help is very much appreciated.

Free Stuff Articles to get Money for all PCP Members

You heard right. On the PCP message feed, I’m going to be posting links to articles giving away free stuff. If there are articles in a different language or which have certain restrictions, I’ll let you know. This could be a good way of making extra cash for the communes.

If you see any articles for free food or weapons, feel free to post their links in the PCP message board.


We’ve got a recruitment schedule sorted out in which the recruiters will send messages to new citizens of the eUK. You can see that on the PCP forums. Some template messages have been written there as well.

The PCP does have a lot to offer. PCP members in the communes and the People’s Army currently receive roughly 450 Q7 each month. Hopefully, this could attract new members to our party.

March Meet 2

In the last meeting (23rd March), we discussed the PCP commune supplies, recruitment and PCP avatars. The ideas for the free stuff articles came up during that meeting too.

So that is what’s currently happening in the PCP.

Comrade Jimbobfrey