[PCP] Calling All Comrades!

Day 1,960, 01:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbobfrey

Calling All Comrades!

Welcome to another article about everything going on in the PCP. We’re starting to get together and the PCP shall represent the UK again in international communist meetings - yay! 🙂

There's also a whole lot of other things which are being started. Again, it's a fairly big article but I tried to keep it short.

Tl:dr Version: The Communist Community, CP Elections, Training Grounds Upgrades, Fun & Games, PCP Skype Session/Podcast and Recruitment

The Communist Community

We had an international communist/leftist meeting with 20 parties attending. That’s good for a first meeting! We introduced ourselves and discussed opening an international communist IRC channel and forums.

So PCP members, come and join in at #Leftists. Or sign up to the eComminterna forum (in construction).

The IRC channel will be used for future international meetings.

CP Elections

The PCP has had a vote and is now supporting CptChazbeard.

Training Grounds Upgrades

Do you want to upgrade your training grounds? During each training ground special offer, Ayame Crocodile will be lending some gold to PCP members to help them upgrade. Paying him back is optional but it is nice if you can 😉

Fun & Games

I’m looking into ideas for fun things to do. We could have a PCP quiz night, a competition or a lottery. Hopefully, we could spice things up by having some fun activities with foreign communists as well (at least, with the English speaking ones).

PCP Skype Session or Podcast

Listening to people’s voices is becoming the next big thing. Maybe the PCP could do something on Skype soon.


We’ve slipped into 9th largest party in the eUK! Luckily, we’ve also started recruiting so we should start rising again.

We will rise again!

Comrade Jimbob