[MOO] Congress Team

Day 1,280, 17:37 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

One May 15th consider voting your local MOO congressional candidates. Remember to not vote for anyone with the following avatar. The people who are wearing this avatar are blockers.

Kevin Cooper

Kevin Cooper is currently the Lt. Colonel of the 2nd Regiment Crimson Canucks for the paramilitary group known as The Crimson Order (TCO). He is also a former Speaker (March-April 2011).

Janos Leinport

Janos Leinport is currently the Recruitment Executive for the Crimson Canucks for The Crimson Order. He is also a 2x congressmen.


Hb741 is a member of both the Ministry of Opportunity and Captains of Industry. He is active on the MOO forums and is a great member of society.


dhruvs is currently captain of the 3rd legion in the Crimson Canucks for The Crimson Order. He is also currently a congressman serving his 2nd term.


Ehab is currently a very active congressman and devoted member of MOO. He spends alot of his gaming time in the Legislate Branch on the eCanadian Forums.


IronToader is currently the Captain of the 8th Legion in the Crimson Canucks for The Crimson Order. He is also the Director of Elections for MOO.

Prince A.Joseph

Prince A.Joseph is currently a congressmen and received the most votes for last month’s congress. He is a former member of TCO and the CAF. He currently is not in any military.


Crisfire is currently the Crimson Canucks Commander for The Crimson Order and one of the most active eCanadian citizens.

Mason Grey

Mason Grey is currently the Director of Recruitment for MOO and is also an ambassador to ePhilippines and eMalaysia.

cyber ninja

cyber ninja is currently MOO’s Director of Fun. He has shown high activity and is not a part of any military.

Addy Lawrence

Addy Lawrence is the founder of MOO. He currently is the Director of Policy and Commander of the Captains of Industry.


Mafanikio is currently an active member of MOO and is the administrator of the official CoI website. He is attempting his first run for Congress.

Consider joining Ministry of Opportunity (MOO) today. MOO is committed to keeping income taxes low, keeping product prices low, and keeping wads of money out of the hands of government. Join the MOO forum.

Party President - Olafur Knutsson
Director of Elections - IronToader
Director of Recruitment - Mason Grey
Director of Policy - Addy Lawrence
Director of Fun - cyber ninja