{MoD} What Our NAP Really Means

Day 2,130, 17:29 Published in Canada Canada by klop123
Good evening eCanada,

In the recent 24 hours, many potential game changing decisions took place. First off Spain proposed our neighbor to the south as a NE. The USA responded. As all of you already know, Spain occupies four (all) of our maritime regions, New Brunswick, PEI, Nova Scotia and NFLD. We also signed a NAP with them so we could secure our other nine regions for congress and freedom. Now with the USA and Spain about to go toe to toe, there has been some confusion as to our role.

As found in our media, there are different views on how we want to approach this war. Some say not to fight either directly or indirectly, we might instigate Spain and draw ourselves into another wipe. Others prefer we take the fight to Spain, anyway we can. I urge we take another look at our NAP we agreed to with Spain and determine our options.

Here it is:

i) Spain returns Canada 9 regions for 100k cc (50k covered by myself and Chochi, leaving another 50k to be paid with congress)
ii)Spain rents N.S, NB, NFLD and PEI for 0 rent (to be revisited later)
iii) Canada will help Spain keep those regions mentioned and will not RW them
iv) A NAP is in effect between Spain and Canada

If Canada breaks the NAP:
Spain proposes Canada as a NE and secures regions lost.

If Spain breaks the NAP:
Spain owes Canada 50k cc for a passed NE proposal and any regions not part of the deal lost by Canada.

CP of Canada

CP of Spain

Approved by,
Spanish Congress
Canadian Executive Team

Looking at the NAP, it shows us two clear options. Either we do not do anything and nothing happens, or we fight for our allies in their war against Spain. As the NAP does not limit us to fighting in MPP battles, there would be no consequence of fighting for allies. If Spain does decide to attack us for some reason or another, they in fact owe US! They would be breaking the NAP.

While I will not tell you what to think, I just want to make sure everyone knows what our NAP really means and to an extent understand if the government makes either decision.

Thank you for your time.
As always my friends,

Stay Classy,