[MoD] Day 2,357 - Scotland/Germany

Day 2,357, 04:38 Published in Denmark Denmark by n0s3

hey Germark,

a lot of stuff has been going on lately, a (really) short overview over the most important things:


Already quite some time ago, Germany NEd France in an effort to help the UK which was under attack by both France and Taiwan. However, one campaign later, the war was already over - further information on that case is available in the article by Badmax.
As already mentioned, the UK was also under attack by Taiwan; a few days ago then, Germany launched an NE upon Taiwan in order to help the UK again - and of course to have some fun as well. 😛 Official article by BadMax to be found here.

This war ended yesterday when both West Midlands and Wales were liberated and the border to Taiwan was cut. As at the same time France NEd Germany however, we're not at peace yet. The French attack on Scotland failed. The United Kingdom is also currently NEing France and we're going to push them out of the British island together. As Scotland is currently under RW attack, we need to defend it - which is the order for today. But at first, a short overlook as to what happened in the rest of the eWorld.


As you can see above, Europe has become quite green(ish, with a tad of yellow) lately. Chile has airstriked into Europe quite some time ago already and taken France afterwards in order to gain Empire status - successfully.
After they ranked first in the latest tournament, they got a bonus in all of their battles, doubling their damage. As a consequence, Chile has gone on a rampage: They attacked Romania, carried out an airstrike into Serbian cores and also NEd Slovenia. They're having quite some fun. :3

Meanwhile, Spain has been suffering. About two weeks ago, they NEd Argentina and failed. Argentina pushed them back and is currently invading their cores. Quite unfortunate for Spain: Argentina ranked second in the tournament, giving them a 2.00x determination bonus in their attacks. Virtually impossible for Spain to win against them.
The attempt to save themselves by airstriking Finland has failed as well.

Speaking of Argentina, they also carried out an airstrike - on Croatia, leading us to Asia. They're chasing them in India and as it looks right now they might be going to entirely push them out of Asia. It's virtually impossible for Croatia to beat Argentina in one of their attacks, as they got a 2.00x damage bonus.

Another country in Europe, Greece, ranked third and won a 1.5x determination bonus for their attacks. They're, once again, using it to give Macedonia a hard time, airstriking them in their Australian refuge.

There hasn't been going on as much in America: The USA continue to hold down Canada, while Mexico and Colombia have signed a NAP.

Well, that pretty much sums it up. Their prizes have led Chile, Argentina and Greece to have some fun, even though I honestly consider those prizes a bit of a game-breaker. Bonus damage, fair enough, but doubling all the damage done for a certain country is a bit too much in my opinion.
Anyhow, as already mentioned, we need to defend Scotland. As we can't win everything (both RWs + attack on France) and need to NE Germany (or be NEd by Germany) anyway [we're currently having three regions, one too many for congress elections], we're going to focus on Scotland. Please ignore Midtjylland. An NE on/by Germany will follow soonish in order to restore the union borders.

Day 2,357
Scotland - please fight for Germany in order to allow ourselves to keep helping the UK. - COs are set as well!

So long! ~\o