[MoD] Day 2,312 - Hovedstaden/Germany [T4D]

Day 2,312, 05:31 Published in Denmark Denmark by n0s3


as you might've seen already, we're NEing Germany again. As usual, we want to lose our attack on them and have them re-take one or several regions.

Right now, we have three regions, which means we'd have thirty congress seats - too many to not get PTOed, so we need to lose some regions.

However, as there's a resistance war going on in Hovedstaden, this could mean our border to Germany will be cut if Germany loses there. Hence, we need Germany to win. As it's such a critical battle, T4D is active.

Day 2,312
Hovedstaden - please fight for Germany.

T4D is active - if you got Danish citizenship and post a comment below this article, you'll receive 10 Q7 tanks to fight for Germany in Hovedstaden.

So long! ~\o