[MoD] Day 2,305 - Sjaelland/Denmark [Tanks4Danes&Deutsche]

Day 2,305, 07:23 Published in Denmark Denmark by n0s3


the liberation of Sjaelland successfully took place, union orders are restored.

However: Yesterday, a hostile (yet not exactly unexpected) step was taken to disturb love, peace and harmony in Denmark: neppons declared Germark to be his arch enemy.

Of course Sweden shall not pass etc., hence MoD orders are to fight for Denmark against Sweden in Sjaelland; Tanks4DanesGermark is active and today even supplying 10 Q7 tanks + 100 Q5 food.

As I'm a man ladybug of rather few words, I'll leave it at that. Technically, our CP is in charge of war speeches. 😐 And it's not like there's a lot to say about neppons anyway.

Day 2,305
Sjaelland - please fight for Denmark.

Tanks4Germark is active - if you got Danish or German citizenship and post a comment below this article, you'll receive 10 Q7 tanks and 100 Q5 food to fight for Denmark in Sjaelland.

So long! ~\o