[Magyar Katonák Szövetsége] - Verbunk, párttoborzó

Day 1,000, 00:17 Published in Hungary United Kingdom by GregoryG

I am a simple man. I love pragmatism, frational decisions and beutiful red haired women.

I believe in a world where no real enemies, and no hatred exists.

I believe in a world where governments are supposed to do the right thing rather than the popular thing.

I believe in a world where are not bound to an unchangeable destiny.

I believe in a world where our lives are something to serve a greater good.

I am GregoryG, and some of you know that I have been around for quite a while. Of course not for as long as some of my dearest friends from whom I learnt so much. But nonetheless I believe I now understand the main governing mechanics of the way of how the eWorld works. I have grown to understand that:

We are supposed to be architects of a future, which most say is impossible. We are supposed to build this future againts all odds, in spite of the hateful and and regardless of the envious.

We are not to build a personal legacy. We are not to pursue fame and popularity.

In the end we all must to what is right.

To get to a more specific topic. Obviously I am here sitting at my computer writing this trice damned article for one purpose solely: Share my view of the eWorld and Alliances with you.

The alliance, which truly determined the course of events the last few year is the world was one, and one only: Eden. I am of course not trying to diminish the impact all the other alliances had. But in fact even since Eden was founded as a reaction to the offensive of Peace, everything else was in fact a reaction to this alliance. So was Phoenix, so was ONE, so is CoT and yes, partially so is TWO. But on the other hand I believe it is our responsibility to try and change this pattern. I have immense respect for Eden, no other alliance could stay in existance for such a long time. Naturally the Eden now or a year ago is not the same alliance as it was two years ago or when it was founded, certain principles remained, but countries came and went and leadership dominance shifted constantly. Nonetheless the Alliance stood. What I believe is that for all our good, for the good of Eden itself (and ultimately it’s member countries) the alliance must now meets its end. It is for the greater good for it’ll open new possibilities, it’ll let us discover new friendships and build up new rivalries. It’ll let us to make a major rearrangement of intellectual and military potential.

The new rivalries are already among us we just fail to truly accept them. We fear to recognise, to reveal them for those who not yet see the signs. I mean people seriously, what do you think will happen if TWO and CoT remain allied and Eden disbands? Both sit back and close their ears and eyes to new possibilities and feast on top of the ruins of the once mightly Eden and live in peace for all eternity? I am no hippie, I seriously don’t believe that the current status quo is something we can preserve for a much more time. Exspecially not with one of the currently dominating alliances keeps inviting and accepting new members regardless of its long them consequances.

Many say a tripolar world order is not possible, to these people I say: Wake the f*** up! We are living it right now. The the partnership between major alliances is merely based on currently common interests.

Other people say that even if a tripolar world order develops into existance it won’t last. That is in my oppinion perfectly correct. In a tripolar world the weakest link of the three shatters and the world returns into the relatively stable bipolar state.

I - and I believe all of us - want fun most of all. Let’s not delay the inevitable. Let’s be open. Let’s play the game.

Yours faithfully, and friend of all: