[Kylero for CP] A Vote for Unity!

Day 1,446, 00:21 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

President: Kylero (Bf😎
Vice President: Prophexy (BCP)
Minister of Justice: MaryamQ (Bf😎
Minister of Defence: Betafoxtrot (BCP)
Minister of Foreign Affairs: shadowukcs (Bf😎
-Director of Embassies: Jonathan Clay (Bf😎
Minister of Finances: Boklevski (No party)
Minister of Home Affairs: Ward de Bever (Om)
-Director of Multi Affairs: Nohjis (Bf😎
-Director of Admin Affairs: TBD
Minister of Education: Olv007 (ATo)
Minister of Pleasure: Jamster737 (Bf😎
French Language Advisor: Procuste (ATo)
Dutch Language Advisor: Critically (ATo)


Home Affairs
1. Suspend enforcement of the MoHA immigration recommendations. I will do this because the purpose of this in the first place is to cover the arse of the CP. But the CP has nothing to do with immigration/citizenship approvals. It is up to the individual Congressperson to approve citizenship, and bear the burden of doing so in a way that prevents dangerous elements from getting into our country. I will not tell Congress what to do, or suggest what they should do. I would like to see, however, Congress pass an immigration law that is fair, works towards our national security interests, and can be followed by Congress with adequate reprecussion should it not be followed.
2. Hunt down and destroy Multis! My administration will root out the cheaters amongst us, and kill them and their families (multi farms)! My Director of Multi Affairs (Nohjis) will investigate leads from concerned citizens, and if that results in a Multi execution, the tipster will receive a cash payment. My DMA will also investigate new citizens to seek out trends and deal with Multis accordingly.

Foreign Affairs
1. Build strong diplomatic ties with all nations that share our interests.
2. Maintain a base of Ambassadors in most countries that will allow us to know the state of the New World.
3. Maintain neutrality.

National Defence/Military
1. Provide for TW exercises to keep our military trained and ready for combat.
2. Bring fun elements back to the military by giving out awards for exemplary action.

Finances and Economy
1. Keep taxes at an adequate level that will incentivize investment and promote economic opportunity for our citizens.
2. Seek to keep the BEF/Gold exchange rate at an acceptable level.
3. Explore new and innovative ideas to grow our economy and ensure the triple bottom line of people, profit, and place!

1. Promote legislation and policies that are fair and comprehensible.
2. Seek to make the judicial system more equitable and fair. Explore options to set up an Appeals Court.
3. Promote gender, sexual orientation, and racial equality. Seek legislation that can ensure this in our community.

Closing Remarks
My fellow eBelgians, I ask for you to support me for CP tomorrow! I have a plan to move our country foward and a highly capable team to implement my domestic and foreign agendas. I can bring unity to our community, and can bring a background of experience in dealing with all other aspects of our society. My opponents are good friends and good eBelgians, but I feel that I am most equipped to lead our nation at this time in eBelgium's history. Thank you!
