{klop4PP} The Resurgence

Day 2,027, 18:52 Published in Canada Canada by klop123

~A wild article appears!

Klop123 for Party President of the Canadian Progressive Front

For those who do not know me, I’ve been playing this game for over four years now, three of them with the CPF. We began with 14 key members and have grown to over 100. I’ve been here through our ups and our downs. I have been party president before and I know what it takes to run one of eCanada’s premier parties. Funky taught me to be a leader and I hope help fill his now vacant shoes in the CPF.

What else have I done? I am a member of Captains of Industry, where I lead our DO Rewards Program and have served in a variety of presidential cabinets, from ElPatoDiablo’s to most recently Homer’s.

I seek to reenergize and encourage the CPF this month. We’ve been unsuccessful in electing a President and have struggled with activity. I would like the opportunity to work with my colleagues to help the resurgence of the CPF and
achieve our goals with high standards.

Our policy:
1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Ensure Canada is a reliable and selfless ally
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy

These tenets represent the CPF. My goal this month is to establish these tenets within the CPF, everything we do will represent what we stand for. Integrity, Honour, Service.

I also wish to form an official opposition government, not only to keep fellow eCanadians involved with decisions affecting them, but to also ensure the maximum efficiency and transparency of our current federal government.

Working with my counterparts in eCanada’s other parties is equally important. I will remain in contact with all of eCanada’s parties during my term.

A critical objective this month is securing an eCanadian Congress. As per CPF rules, a congress hopeful will have to answer some questions about their plans if elected. The team selected, new or old will work towards a better eCanada, as always.

My party cabinet this month will serve as my advisors and have active roles within eCanadian politics. My VPP and I will remain in contact with the other parties in eCanada. The Secretary-General will host activities to help boost party activity. The Spokesman will remain in contact with eCanadian media and will provide updates, along with my own. I expect my cabinet to be hardworking an task oriented. More about my cabinet to come

Good luck to my fellow candidates!

Long live the Q!

Vote klop123 for PP on June 15!

Best Regards,
klop123 o/