[klop4CP] Shall we try this again?

Day 2,076, 07:17 Published in Canada Canada by klop123
Good Afternoon eCanada,

I am here again to ask for another chance, I messed up last month, but here I am again. I have decided to give it a go and run for Country President (should be Prime Minister 😛) of eCanada.

The Plan:
July has been quite the month for us. I would like to congratulate Pat Harper and my fellow eCanadians for the victory in Nunavut earlier today! Well done!

Under incumbent CP Pat Harper we carefully entered into negotiations with Spain for our regions back, as well as having a few hard fought RWs. Although we were ultimately defeated by a superiorly numbered foe, we gave it all we got. Between the countless hours of mercenary buying and supplying there are many people working behind the scenes to ensure the best for us and I hope if elected my administration will do the same. The goal, much like the past few months is to have some regions back from the Spanish for congress or have a deal in place for freedom. I do have some very precise plans in regard to the future of eCanada. I will go into more details briefly below:

Foreign/External Affairs:
As always, I will look to work with Asgard to ensure we succeed as well as our allies. Working to accomplish their priorities as well as ours remains my goal and vision to help eCanada be a fearless and selfless ally. I will also look at our allies in CoT/neutral nations and look to garner support in our fights against Spain.

The ultimate domestic goal will be of course congress. We’ve gone on without one for long enough and whether it requires a deal with Spain (giving up nothing) or fighting ferociously for our regions, we will get there. If Spain does not want to negotiate then we’ll have no choice but to fight and believe me, whether it requires mercs and/or supplies we will.

I look to introduce some new programs, to help make weapons more affordable for eCanadians. Details to come soon. Now that we have 1400 players, a lot of them new, retention is very important . To push some further activity and spark a little life back into eCanada, my government will be holding contests of all kinds, with monetary/tanks/food prizes. I will also have a group PM set up with the leaders of the MUs in eCanada to ensure optimal communication between government and fighters.

1. Intention to run (Saturday July 27)- this article
2. Cabinet Release (Monday July 29)- In depth look at my cabinet
3. Final Plans (Domestic Programs etc.) (Wednesday July 31)- I look to introduce some new programs
4. Final Statement (Friday August 2)- Thank you and good luck

Until next time eCanada,
Stay Classy,
