[klop4CP] Plans for our Nation

Day 2,080, 08:23 Published in Canada Canada by klop123
Greetings eCanada,

I had promised you I would introduce my plans today, both domestic and foreign. From airstrikes to retention programs, eCanada will enjoy some activity this month.

Foreign Affairs

Perhaps one of the most important issues, we have to deal with our occupiers. My cabinet and I will continue to negotiate with Spain (not like that's really working) and see if we can get a deal, either for congress or some regions permanently. We will not give up money or surrender anything if possible. If negotiating does not work, we will be having of course some supplied RWs, and kick some sense into Spain that way.

Our alliance is almost completely wiped from the map. This month will involve a lot more coordination, (starting soon, with our AS) effort and planning to ensure releases of our allies regions if possible. We also have the Netherlands wanting to join Asgard, I don't see a problem with that, so hopefully we can get something done there as well.

The only thing I wish to do with MPPs is to improve relations with CoT/Neutral/EDEN countries that could help us in the future. While we are wiped though, I will only sign MPPs with active nations. Shoi and I have already made a list of who we would like to sign with.


As many of you may have seen, eCanada has grown by roughly 500 citizens in the past month. These new babies need activity to stay in this game. Shoi and I have planned to have a series of games in the media, as well as active IRC contests to keep these babies in eCanada. All we need is an active MoE/MoIA that is also active on IRC! PM ME!

Rebate Program
This month in the CPF we introduced this program. I hope to nationalize it, making it available to everyone. It is aimed at selling cheaper Canadian weapons to the newer or poorer players. The money stays in eCanada. The goal of this program is to offer a free donation of food, and a low cost means of quality weapons. We aim to sell the weapons around 30% lower than current market prices for the day you apply for. Sellers will be able to apply via a google doc, and buyers will fill out a form and execute the deal.

1. Intention to run (Saturday July 27)- found here
2. Cabinet Release (Monday July 29)- found here
3. Final Plans (Domestic Programs etc.) (Wednesday July 31)- This article
4. Final Statement (Friday August 2)- Thank you and good luck

Until next time,
Stay Classy eCanada,
