{klop4CP} Cabinet & Details

Day 2,051, 05:50 Published in Canada Canada by klop123

Good Morning eCanada,

After a long deliberation, I have decided to run for Country President this month. Why now? It is the only month this entire year where I have no real activity outside the game, which allows me to put some, [not all 😉], more time into it.


As we all saw this month, Oinyo kicked off his victory actively, with a variety of programs and daily updates. As we got later in the term we started to see less and less, which prompted a lot of eCanada to share a certain distaste for inactivity. I do not plan on being online 8-10 hours a day, but for as much as I can I will be. I will provide weekly updates to keep everyone informed of whatever it is we're doing. I will also have my cabinet publish weekly reports. I will go into detail briefly here;

Foreign/External Affairs
Without a doubt, the most important area this month for us. We've seen some attempts to free some regions this month, but have utterly failed while we slept. It's hard to point the finger, but I wish to do a better job via coordinating with allies and using mercenary MUs when necessary. I cannot guarantee freedom this month, but we'll work our hardest to achieve so. We'll explore every option!

Internal Affairs
The Spanish occupation of eCanada is slowly killing our citizens. Before the invasion we had roughly 1400 players, and we are now down to around 1000 players. To push some further activity and spark a little life back into eCanada, my government will be holding contests of all kinds, with monetary/tanks/food prizes. I will also have a group PM set up with the leaders of the MUs in eCanada to ensure optimal communication between government and fighters.

The Cabinet

Country President: klop123

Vice President: Pat Harper
My opponent in the coming election, could I ask for a better one? Has great ideas and I completely trust I'm picking the right person for the job

MoDs: I-Bleed-Blue-93 & Punisher 1389
dMo😨 TBD
Dedicated individuals, who will get the job done

MoFas: Shoi12 & Auk Rest
These two have experience and I trust can handle any job I throw at them this month


If you think you can offer something to my cabinet, contact me and we will see what can be done!

Thank you for your time,
Stay Classy eCanada,


Unrelate😛 CPF CP primary is running tonight!