[klop] An Apology

Day 2,052, 09:01 Published in Canada Canada by klop123

Good Afternoon eCanada,

Firstly as you may have seen, the CPF has no presidential candidate (not an active one) this month. You can blame that on me. I have no excuses, just my own stupidity.

I would like to apologize to the CPF, my supporters and any other political parties in eCanada planning on supporting me. I came home from work, and decided to take a 45 minute nap, a couple hours before day change. Turns out I slept through it. A missed opportunity... Maybe next time eCanada.

Oh well, time to move on eh?

Given the primary results and excluding myself, Pat Harper will be the unofficial official candidate for the CPF, coming in second place!

Remember to vote Pat Harper on the 5th CPF!

Until next time, Stay Classy eCanada,