[IT4CP] Foreign Affairs & Military Funding

Day 1,289, 13:02 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of the most important ministries we have. My plan for this ministry is to improve our relations with Ireland so we can make this not just a Canada vs. Alfagrem, but a Canada-Ireland vs. Alfagrem. We shouldn’t have to spread out the tanks. This can help us focus on 1 battle.

The foreign affairs plan is simple, may need some tweaking if I get my day in office but it is good for now. I will discuss more with my MoFA about plans, later.

Military Funding

Just a few days ago Jacobi showed a formula to the public about military funding. I’d like to see this plan in action. With this formula I’d like to upgrade the CAF funding to 35k CAD and this will be beneficial to all the other MU’s. The formula is based on membership as it should be. Depending on numbers it could be changed every week.

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