[IT4CP] Candidacy Announcement

Day 1,275, 15:16 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

One June 5th, who will you be voting for? As usual there will probably be very many options in Party Endorsement polls (except those dictatorships). But on the ballot there can only be 5. I hope and plan to be one of those 5. I will bring forward a plan to improve the country we live in. I will reduce taxes. I will bring war to table. Vote a true candidate on June 5th, Vote IronToader.

“The right government at the right time.” This will be my slogan for this campaign. If you are in agreement with my plan for June, vote for me in the following parties CP endorsement polls. The Canadian Paradox Party, EPIC, Ministry of Opportunity and Union Nationale.

Firstly, I would like to bring back Finance to Executive Branch for a proper approach for our budget. My cabinet will consist of the following positions.

Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Defence
Minister of Finance
Minister of English Communications
Minister of French Communications

You have probably already discovered I have 2 Ministries of Communications. Well this is my plan to accommodate the French community. The French MoC will not be a translator for the English MoC but will create his own articles. The French have always been a helping hand in the advancement of Canada and they deserve their own ministry to inform their people.
