[IT4CP] Accomplish More With A Smaller Government.

Day 1,285, 13:30 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

As we have seen with the country president, Kazuo Leblanc we have had a huge government and too many people in too many positions. He proposed many things that involved putting 2-4 people in a position of power. What I propose is to have is a small cabinet and less people in power. It would be very helpful to not have as much people in power. Congress can have its own ministries (as shown by Jacobi). The ministries of immigration, justice, and education belong with congress.

During this past month our current CP had no plan. It was just a “wonder if we win if I attack this region now”. What I plan to do is strategize with my MoD and MoFA. I will try my best with getting better and improved relations with our buds, Ireland. As the current ambassador there, we aren’t actually that close. I’d to see work together much more with Ireland. Strategize together is the idea.

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