[ISENGARD13]Highlights on international scenario

Day 2,306, 05:20 Published in India India by Isengard13

The media in India has been quite quiet in the last few weeks, and no one did any initiative to rejuvinate it, until Calvinhobbes, the present minister of Defense of India, wrote his article, to inspire the young generation in this game, to make the dead media alive once again, and announced an appreciation gift for the article writer. In these two days, the media has again regained its pace. However, i want to through this article, emphasize the world status at this time. I have been inactive for a couple of months, so please do correct me, if any mistake is incurred by me in this article.


At the time of my last playing this game, the alliance Circle of Trust (CoT) and The world is ours( TWO) had break down, and now when i come back to this game i find the following allies in formation:

I. Great Divine Russia (GDR):


i. Russian Empire

The russian empire, had been ousted from the eworld map by hungary and USA, a couple of months back, and was the homeground of the battle between USA and Hungary for the occupation of the russian lands, which resulted in the victory of hungary. However, the Hungarian did not stand their victory for long, because in these two months which have gone by, russia has managed to regain itself on the face of Europe and Asia. After regaining itself and the breakdown of TWO and CoT, Russia, established a new alliance named the Great Divine russia, with members as russia, and cyprus, who had been the only one to accept to the charter of the ally, which sees Russia as the greatest authority in the ally.

However eventually Cyprus, became aware of the unequal conditions of the ally, and left, with russia as the only remaining country in this ally. However the one man army country has managed to occupy the most of the world, with the help of no other country( the provinces are larger and thus a few provinces make Russia the largest).

II. World Organisation of Loyalty and Freedom (WOLF):


i. Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia a middle-eastern country in asia, is fighting hard to keep ground, after the WOLF broke down, and the former member Pakistan and Egypt left this ally. Now Saudi Arabia is the lone member of this alliance, and the fact that it belongs to a one membered ally, does not favour the country much, highlighting the fact that it is occupied by Greece, Peru, and Turkey. Saudi Arabia, has been able to retain only one province till now, Ha'll which is its current capital.

III. SinFilis:


i. Singapore

this small island in pink colour, represents singapore, which being a small one, has managed to retain its own land , but has failed to expand itself. Singapore is a member of SinFilis, an alliance of Singapore and Phillipines. Singapore however, is admirable, looking at the fact that thailand a vicious serb-ally country borders it, and has managed to keep it safe from thai clutches, and indonesian grasps.

ii. Phillipines

The whole island group of phillipines doesnot belong to the rightful owner, at the current time. The northern purple part represents the capital of Phillipines Manilla, which is the only region belonging to the nation at the moment, and is currently under the attack of the colombian forces, which occupy the southern part of the phillipino islands. Thus south American nation has hitched up territory in the far east as well.

IV. Asgar😛



( the fluorescent green area)

ii. Finland

(the mossy green area)

iii. Sweden

(the chrome yellow area)

These three countries form the alliance asgard, which is the reason why the entire scandinavian region is in peace. However, finland, and sweden have expanded in the British isles and Denmark-peninsula regions respectively. These three countries form a formidable alliance of the far-north.

V. Asteria:



( light ocre area)


(faded deep blue colour in South america and Southern africa)

iii. Serbia

(bright red region)

iv. hungary

(the faded light green stretch through the length of Southern Europe)

v. Greece

(the light blue part in europe, egypt, and middle-east)


(the golden brown part in far-east asia)


Romania, which had been ruling a majority of Eastern Europe and was at par with Russia and Hungary, has in these two years, reduced and has been confined to its own lands, by the various other countries. however, the hostility with Hungary has ended, and these two countries now are a controlling power in the Eastern Europe.

Argentina is the most powerful nation of South America, and controls the entire of the Eastern part of the continent. Brazil has been a victim of Argentine forces, and the entire Brazil is under the rule of Argentina. In southern Africa, the country of South Africa is too under the compulsion of Argentine forces. despite of the various freedom fights and revolts against argentina in Brazil and South Africa, the Argentine forces, have kept the situation under their control for over 300 days.

Serbia which previously ruled the majority of Southern-central Europe has shrunk a bit in size, due to the diplomatic issues of its ally members. Bosnia and Herzegovina, albania, have managed to free some of their regions from serbian grasps. However Serbia still remains a major power in not only Europe but also in Asia, via its ally thailand, China and Pakistan.

Hungary, which once ruled the entire of russia after winning the Russian lands from the nation, and winning in the hungarian-USA war in the north-eastern asia lands, has now been shifted from north east Asia, to central Europe. It covers the most extensive stretch of land from France to the Caspian sea. Hungary's victory in various battles, and its increase in power, has helped it not to be confined to its own land, as Romania has been compeeled to. however, Hungary is torn with wars, as it covers many countries. hungary have succeeded in suppressing them so far.

Greece which once was a moderate country, has grown in population, power, and regions in the last 200 days. Greece, previously were confined only totheir own lands and was a neutral nation. However, sudden changes in its population and strategies, helped Greece to oust Bulgaria from the middle east and take control of the arab lands, and as well as dominate Egypt. These sudden successes of the Greek forces made them look a good partner to serbia, and today ranks among the strongest.

China has been cool for the past few days, after they have expanded their control over the entire of far-east asia, which made them confine not only to their lands but also made them open to the weak defenses of Pakistan and India, and got their entrance into Pakistan, which had surrendered to the Chinese via a treaty, and india, which however did give a stubborn resistance, but failed to stop the infiltration.

Slovenia, was the holder of many regions in the central of Europe, but the rise of the hungarians in the central europe led to the confinement of the slovenians in their native land. Thus slovenia has decreased greatly on the fields of territorial stretch. However, they are trying out many wars to expand themselves more. Sandwiched between Serbia and hungary, slovenia can expand only on reasonable negotiations with their allies.




(the deep pink parts of isle of Paris and island of Ajaccio)


(redish-pink regions)


(the light fluorescent green regions)

iv. Republic of China(Taiwan)

(the light purple regions in japan, south korea and islands of taiwan)


(the faded pink regions to the north of purplish-blue USA)


(the purple parts denote israel)

vii.Republic of Moldova

(brownish-golden regions)


(the light blue parts in the above images)

LETO is a subsidiary alliance of Asteria, and is composed of less powerful countries which are provided support and help from the Asteria countries.

France has been invaded by the combined forces of USA and Spain, which has led to the washout of France from map, as the whole country has been occupied by the USA and Spain. Only the Paris isle of France, and the island of Ajaccio remain to the French dominions. The Hungarian. and Serbians, are helping out France from this situation.

Belarus, had been previously a country under the dominance of the Russians and Hungarians. However, Bealrus has reasserted its independance, and is now a complete country, under the lookout of Hungarian forces, to assist it in situations of hostilities with the neighbouring Russia.

Portugal has been a country very long under spanish forces, and was not able to reassert its freedom. However with the help of Asteria and LETO allies, Portugal overwhelmed the Spanish Forces, and retained its territories. However, Portugal is even now threatened by Spanish attacks, due to its minority.

The republic of China(taiwan) is a very strong ally of China, and has worked hand in hand with chinese forces, to bring most of the Asia under their control. taiwan rules not only its own islands, but also controls over South Korean, and Japan.To help Taiwan, China has annexed the North Korean empire. thus Taiwana and China form a formidable LETO-Asteria alliance in Asia.

After a long bitter struggle against the Spanish, canada reasserted its independance, and freed all its regions after regainining each region one by one. It was a very difficult task for the Canadians, but they succeeded, but soon afterwards, was invaded by Netherlands. However, the Canadians this time easily defeated the Netherlands, as it was superior than the European country. However, soon again to challenge its authority was USA, and the two countries are now at a neck to neck war. USA and Canada, are gaining and losing regions altenatively.

Israel a small nation, was challenged by several countries who have invaded the middle-east.However it has succeeded in regaining its regions. But again it has been invaded by Cyprus forces. So this war, has led to the loss of two israeli rgions to the cyprus.

the republic of Moldova was struggling for land in the serbia held region of Albania, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Moldova had succeeded in conquering a fw regions from the Albans, however they were soon ousted by the strong Alban rebels, and the Modovians have found their land back in Romania. moldova is under the help of Romanian government in times of serious challenge to its sovereignty and national integrity.

Colombia is a strong country in South America, which has with the help of argentina conquered many regions, However, the Colombian forces do not depend on argentines, but go alongside the south american superpower to rule the South America together. Colombia has stretched its extend across the Pacific to the islands of Phillipines, where the Phillipine Forces are struggling against the Colombian invaders.

I end my report on international status here. I will give updates on the sirius, and Aurora alliances in my next article along with indian relation with it.

(All images of maps are given in accordance to day 2306)
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With regards,