[GOM:7] Tracking the Epidemic

Day 2,154, 08:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sweet Drinker

Following a worrying decline in voting numbres this term, I started tracking population statistics across the world. The spreadsheet below shows the population shift of each country over the last 5 days.

*Source of national populations is the ingame feature 'Active Population'

While Brazil wins the dubious title of Biggest Population Loser (compounded further by the fact Brazil's loss is offset by 325 new citizens generated today alone) it should be considered that Brazil is a wiped nation, and I'm told has been fighting a longterm entrenched PTO attempt. Which could be a major contributor to the scale of their population 'rotation'.

Some interesting observations can be made from this demographic snapshot:

*Contrary to what most people would expect, geopolitical success has no correlation to player retention. If anything, there is an inverse correlation.

*Despite Brazil's tremendous losses, overall TWO nations have suffered greater population loss than everyone else combined.

*If Brazil's anomaly were removed from the equation, over 75% of all player loss would be TWO(pro)

*Poland/Serbia/Spain lost over 1,300 players combined in the last 5 days.

*While the world lost over 10% of the voting population in the last elections, 2% of the total population disappeared in the last 5 days.

*Since most players who quit simply stop logging in rather than closing their account (it is in fact difficult to actually close your account), this drop in player numbres is almost certainly the result of administrators changing the statuses of accounts (either to 'dead' or 'banned'). Considering the high percentage loss of voters (ie active) in the last election, 'banned' is likely the dominant status change.

*On Oct 8th Egypt had 99 citizen 'births' in a single day, an over 16% population increase, but in the following 5 days combined their total population increased by only 18 player. What's that about?

*On Oct 8th, 9 of the 70 nations had only a single birth. But I've yet to note a nation with 0 births in a day. Suggesting that someone is probably creating a new citizen in every nation daily.

*Uruguay has had 206 births so far today. Only 146 ppl participated in their last Congress election... oÓ

It seems evident that the recent sharp decline in account numbres is the result of admins proactively removing illegitimate accounts from the game.

Where do we go from here?
Based on the recent demographic shifts I recommend all CoT(pro) nations conserve their resources until TWO's vast multi network is deleted by admins.

I mean, at it's current rates:
Serbia would be 1/2 it's current size in 3months.
Spain would disappear entirely in under 1/2 year!
Poland would completely disappear in a little over 2months...

I just kid about the 'wait out deletion strategy' 🙂
because we all know that your population losses were predominantly div1&2 accounts that will miraculously regenerate while your div4 main accounts remain secure and all the wealthier from this phenomenon...
you fkn wholesale cheaters..